- Water Color/Visibility: Green stained 1-3′ visibility to clear (Shallow secluded, weedy areas)
- Water Temp: 64-72 degree surface temps
- Depth: We focused on secluded weedy areas (spawning grounds)
- Weather: Windy. Storms last night as the front was moving in. Temps dropping throughout the day. 10 – 15 mph winds from the NW… switching to NE late afternoon bringing a dramatic drop in temps. This was the first big cold front moving in after our first taste of summer weather over the previous week. (20 degree temp change)
Weed growth on the lake is looking fantastic. Best weed growth on Fox Lake I’ve seen for a long time. Within a week the Jug will have a huge mat in the front of it, with thick pads growing further back. Good weeds throughout the rest of the lake also.
Was teaching a friend how to frog fish over the biggest mat we could find. We were somewhat sheltered from the wind… but could only fish effectively if we cast with the wind for the most part. Even with the weeds, there was enough of a ripple on the water that we couldn’t site fish for spawning bass. Had about 20 blow ups… we only boated a handful. They were swatting at the frogs. Many were protecting nests or maybe guarding fry.
Posted in Fishing Reports, Fox Lake, WI