What I didn’t know about using a Dakota Lithium 12v Battery to Ice Fishing Electronics

Dakotha Lithium battery for ice fishing electronics humminbird helix 7 genz box

I upgraded my Humminbird Helix 7 ice fishing electronics (mounted on a Genz Box) to the Dakota Lithium 12v Battery and ran into some problems that no one else is talking about. Before you buy a lithium battery watch this video and learn what you need to take into account. Depending on how your ice fishing electronics are mounted, you may have to do some mods to make the battery fit.




Vincent Wondra

Obsessed with fishing since a child. Vince loves to share his knowledge of the sport, while helping encourage selective harvest and protection of the resource. He shares fishing reports, tips, tricks, and more during his never ending quest to be a better fisherman. PRACTICE CPR: Catch. Picture. Release.